With a pragmatic, step-by-step approach, we carry out an in-depth analysis of the company's reality to arrive at the construction of an ad hoc control architecture.

The result of our management control is a powerful data collection and processing system, capable of processing all relevant information, a system tailored to the client's specific reality, which becomes a real support for decision-making.


  • Mapping of organisational structure, operational processes and flows
  • Analysis of existing data and software
  • Definition and implementation of a simplified cost accounting system consistent with the corporate structure
  • Definition of an integrated reporting and control system with specific KPIs, and creation of a Tableau de Board to support business decisions
  • Design and development of customised control software with advanced functionalities for data analysis and management
  • Definition of the budget process and development of an economic and financial budget management tool
  • Construction of a business plan matrix to support medium to long term planning