

There is a significant recurring theme to each story of individual supervision: the conscious asking for external support – even if often it is not immediate. This support is needed to initiate a personal change that is perceived as necessary for the role and, sometimes, as for their life, too.


With a dialogical, non-directive approach, we help Clients help themselves, and put themselves in the position of choosing strategies that may be more consistent with their role in the organisation.

That implies the chance of a multi-levelled intervention: support for enhancement of their distinctive competence; uncovering of new resources to fuel their leadership ability; a focus on personal resilience; the discovery of their actual capabilities in managing emotions among peers, with their seniors, with stakeholders/direct reports.


According to the needs of our client, we integrate one or more of the following tools:

Development Feedback - With the Clients, we survey data for a 360° assessment, and join them on site, to determine together their areas of strength and the areas in need of improvement. Then we devise a Working Plan

Personal Coaching - We join our Clients in identifying problematic situations and challenges they may face. We support them to identify targeted strategies and behaviours to address the situation

Role Consultation - In times of change and/or uncertainty, we help our Clients to reclaim a personal and professional role that can be more focused and satisfying